Thursday, October 22, 2015

Give me human blood or give me death

I'm just going to come right out and say it - I have a secret obsession with all things related to vampires. I hope that there's something more to it than a vanity or an egocentric compulsion. As for what that could be, nothing comes to mind, but I digress... I've read the Vampire Diaries books, watched all of the Vampire Diaries episodes, went through a little Twilight phase where I read the books in succession seven times each, went to the Twilight "Breaking Dawn" release party at Barnes & Noble, binge watched all of Buffy last spring on Netflix, and I have a vampire "wine" glass for reds. How can you not get a little confidence boost with all of these vampy things around? Well, as I was reading, I came across this supremely hilarious notion of vampires being able to sustain themselves on vegetarian diets. Essentially, some of these fictional vampires will spare human harm by feeding on living things of the animal variety. It's maybe not vegetarian in the human sense, but requires a billion times more restraint because it's absolutely vile. Yesterday night, I was going for a peaceful little stroll in the woods when I happened upon a white rabbit. Before your imagination runs away with you, I did not follow it down any type of hole whatsoever. Anyway, I picked it up, cradled it in my arms, and once I was able to get past the mouthful of fur, I took a sip. That one itty bitty sip was all I could handle, thank Dracula. First of all, the hair is a deterrent; second, taking from such a good-natured defenseless creature is a lot to mentally handle; lastly, rabbits don't eat anything I enjoyed nomming on when I was human, so why would I think for a second that I would enjoy the taste of iron and cabbage? Give me human blood, or give me death is what I say.

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